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: on the tibia. There is a considerable greenish yellow : the groin and on the concealed portions of legs and : The light color on the arms and the jaw is quite : grayish. There are several smaller, light rimmed, dar : around all nine eyes. The creature's gigantic mouth : vocal sacs there in are large and conspicuous when : and bluish gray green in color. When expanded into : balls are fucking huge. : : Structure: The second creature has a shorter head a : mouth although obscured by a "Polynesian" mask w : unable to get samples as the creature will bite and cla : pouring water into its mouth causes it to eventually : : Voice: "A loud trill, hoarser than that of the c : and hind libs longer when the creature is sleeping : sexually aroused." : : Voice (from updated 1931 ed.): "A deep gutteral sn : sound as if it had its mouth halfway out of the water. : : Breeding: They breed from April to March. The egg : 60 cents per pound (USD). Its mating cry turned out : actually that of a creature trapped below the larger o : : General Appearance: Short; Squad; Large; Browni