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spigot > the joker is loitering on private property ????? spigot > understood!!!! spigot > right away commissioner!!!! spigot > no you hang up spigot > no you hang up spigot > clonk / ba-donk spigot > to the bat cave!!!!!!!!!! spigot > (to put on my bat suit) spigot > my bat underpants spigot > my bat shirt spigot > my bat slacks spigot > my bat sweater spigot > my bat socks spigot > my bat shoes spigot > got my bat keys, my bat wallet, my bat smokes, my bat lighter spigot > calling a bat uber spigot > fifteen minutes ?!???????? spigot > to the bat bong !!!!!!!!! spigot > bllbblblllbblbhlbhl spigot > COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH GLK GNK COUGH COUGH COUGH OW GOD spigot > COUGH COUGH COUGH GOD DAMN COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH spigot > HURRRK HORRRK spigot > jesus fucking fuck spigot > toker v joker lol spigot > nnggg spigot > zzzzzzz